These instructions apply to the surgical procedure just completed. They are designed to help you minimize post-surgical discomfort and inform you of any situation that may require special attention.

Pain Medications

It is not unusual to have some discomfort for at least the first week following your surgical procedure. You will be given pain pills or a prescription for medication to help you tolerate the post-surgical recovery period. Please take your medications as directed. If necessary, you may take your pain medication more frequently than every 4-6 hours to stay ahead of the soreness. It is advisable to not take pain medication on an empty stomach, as nausea may result.

In your post operative kit that you are given, you will have the following:

  1. Written post operative instructions and contact phone numbers if needed.
  2. Brufen (400mg Ibuprofen) or Panadol if allergic to Asprin. 1 Brufen every 4-6 hours is often adequate for controlling post operative discomfort. It should be taken with food.
    Note: When taking any prescribed medication as an alternative to prescription medications, some patients have found taking a combination of over-the-counter Ibuprofen and Panadol to be effective.
  3. Panadiene Forte. 2 Panadiene Forte every 4-6 hours can be taken for more severe pain. This medication contains Codiene which may have side effects if taken for extended periods. It is unusual to have severe pain and if this occurs please contact Drs Grossberg, Todes or Kalos.
  4. Chlorhexidine mouthwash. This is normally used undiluted twice a day to disinfect the areas that you will not be able to brush or floss. If extractions are carried out then the mouthwash should not be used for 24 hours following the procedure to protect the blood clot in the extraction socket. The mouth wash should not be used for more than 2 weeks unless directed.
  5. An ice pack if appropriate.
  6. Gauze patches to be used in case of excessive bleeding.


Please alert the office to any allergies or sensitivities that you might have to antibiotics. An antibiotic may be prescribed following your surgical procedure. Take as directed until the course is completed. It is advisable not to take these medications on an empty stomach, as nausea may result. For women taking birth control pills, be advised that antibiotics may interfere with their effectiveness.


Swelling may occur following your surgical procedure and will typically increase 2-3 days after the procedure. To minimize the swelling, place an ice pack over the outside cheek area for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. Continue using ice for 2-3 days following the procedure as often as possible.


A small amount of bleeding is normal. If excessive or continuous bleeding occurs:

  • Rinse your mouth with cool water. Apply moistened gauze to the immediate area with moderate pressure for 10 minutes; repeat if necessary.
  • Elevate your head when lying down.
  • Enclose a moistened tea bag in a gauze square and apply pressure for 10 minutes.
  • Call the office or after hours phone number if bleeding persists.


The dressing (which acts as a bandage) is used sometimes to protect the surgical site and help reduce discomfort. If the dressing comes off it is not necessarily a problem. If it is uncomfortable, please call the office for direction.